Sunday, September 3, 2023

The God of All Grace Lyrics

The God of all grace has blessed us this day
All of creation joins us in praise;
Lifting our voices, lifting our hearts
To the glory of God forever!

God of power and might,
come into our presence this day
Strengthen us now with a spirit of faith;
We gather in your name

God of mercy and truth,
who brings us from night into day
Nourish our lives with a spirit of hope
And shield us from all fear

God of wondrous love,
Compassion and glory are yours
Come fill our hearts with a spirit of love
The joy we find in you

All the gifts of the Lord
shall flow from the glory of God
Let us proclaim all the wonders we've seen
Give thanks, rejoice and sing

God of water and birth,
renewing the face of the earth;
Healing us now with the Spirit of Christ,
you cleanse us from our sins

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