Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Christ is Arisen Lyrics - Randall DeBruyn

 Randall DeBruyn

To the Paschal Victim
Give thankful praise!
Christ, ever sinless,
his sheep now he saves

Death and life contended
In dreadful strife;
Death did not hold him,
immortal his life.

Alleluia, his triumph we sing!
Christ is arisen, the Victor, the King!

Mary, speak, confessing
What you have seen.
"Christ's tomb lies empty
where once he had been;

Angels bright, confirming;
Shroud laid aside;
He goes to Galilee,
he lives though he died."

Alleluia, his triumph we sing!
Christ is arisen, the Victor, the King!

Christians, sing his glory
With ev'ry breath;
Sing of his kingdom,
victorious o'er death!

Jesus, grant us mercy:
New life from heav'n!
Christ ever reigns!
Alleluia! Amen!

Alleluia, his triumph we sing!
Christ is arisen, the Victor, the King!

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